Welcome the Desert Institute's Wildflower Blog

Spring is here and the wildflowers are starting to bloom. This site will be updated once a week. Check back frequently to find out where the flowers are blooming in Joshua Tree National Park.

Ghost Flower

Ghost Flower
Picture taken in the Pinto Basin, Joshua Tree National Park

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 16 - Flowers in Joshua Tree National Park

Wildflower season is still not quite here, but there are a few concentrations along the south boundary and at lower elevations of Joshua Tree National Park. Along the road shoulder below Cottonwood Canyon and along the alluvial fans down to the south boundary you will find a number of species blooming including: Chia, Desert Gold Poppy, Desert Dandelions, Pincushions, Mojave Lupines, Arizona Lupines, Chuparosa, and a few Brittlebush.

Along the south boundary just west of the entrance road a few additional species were recently seen, but require walking a considerable distance from the car, including: Ghost Flowers, Canterbury Bells, Yellow Sun Cups, Knothched-leaf Phacelia, Beavertail Cactus, and Purple Mat.

The best way to see wildflowers at this time is to get out at the first sight of wildflower color and take a closer look. You may find twenty different species in a given area.

Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Checker Fiddleneck, Amsinckia tessellata
Desert Gold Poppy, Eschscholzia parishii
Desert Rock Pea, Lotus rigida
Thick-leaved Ground Cherry, Physalis crassifolia
Mustards, Brassica sp.
Tansy Mustard, Descurainia pinnata
Chuparosa, Justicia (Beleprone) californica
Ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea
Brown-eyed Evening Primrose, Camissonia claviformes
Desert Tobacco, Nicotiana trigonophylla
Fiesta Flower, Pholistoma membrenaceum
Arizona lupine, Lupinus arizonicus
Filaree/Heron’s Bill, Erodium cicutarium
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Desert Star, Monoptilon bellioides
Chia , Salvia columbariae
Desert Dandelion, Malacothrix californica (glabrata)

South Boundary:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea
Desert Dandelion, Malacothrix californica (glabrata)
Desert Gold Poppy, Eschscholzia parishii
Brown-eyed Evening Primrose, Camissonia claviformes
Cheese Bush, Hymenocea salsola
Chuparosa, Justicia (Beleperone) californica
Brittlebush, Encelia farinosa
Fagonia, Fagonia laevis
Ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens
Parry’s Dalea, Marina Parryi
Mustards, Brassica sp.
Heliotrope Phacelia, Phacelia distans
Purple Mat, Nama demissum
Spanish Needle, Palafoxia arida (linearis)
Desert Chicory, Rafinesquia neomexicana
Trixis, Trixis californica
Yellowheads, Trichoptilium incisum
Yellow Sun Cups, Camissonia brevipes
Desert Fir/Pygmy Cedar, Peucephyllum schottii
Canterbury Bells, Phacelia campanularia
Desert Lavender, Hyptis emoryi
Checker Fiddleneck, Amsinckia tessellata
Alyssum, Lepidium fremontii
Forget-me-nots, Cryptantha sp.
Arizona lupine, Lupinus arizonicus
Beavertail Cactus, Opuntia basilaris
Mojave Lupine, Lupinus sparsiflorus
Chia, Salvia columbariae
Filaree/Heron's Bill, Erodium cicutarium
Ground Cherry, Physalis rassifolia
Paperbag Bush, Salazaria mexicana
Barrell Cactus, Ferocactus cylindraceus
Fremont’s Pincushion, Chaenactis fremontii
Tansy Mustard, Descurainia pinnata
Desert Tobacco, Nicotiana obtusifolia

West Entrance:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Desert rock Pea, Lotus rigidus

North Entrance:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Filaree/Heron's Bill, Erodium cicutarium
Comb-burs, Pectocarya sp.
Ground Cherry, Physalis rassifolia

Hidden Valley:
Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia

Jumbo Rocks: J
oshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia
Turpentine Broom, Thamnosma montana

Pinto Basin:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens
Desert Lavender, Hyptis emoryi
Alyssum, Lepidium fremontii
Comb-burs, Pectocarya sp.
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
White Star Vine, Brandegea bigelovii
Mustards, Brassica sp.
Wooly Daisy, Eriophyllum wallacei

Indian Cove:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Alyssum, Lepidium fremontii
Fiesta Flower, Pholistoma membrenaceum
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Tansy Mustard, Descurainia pinnata

Wilson Canyon:
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Comb-burs, Pectocarya sp.

Oasis Visitor Center, Twentynine Palms:
Chuparosa, Justicia californica
Mojave Aster, Xylorhiza tortifolia

Black Rock:
Joshua Tree - Yucca brevifolia

Queen Valley:
Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 1 - Flowers in Joshua Tree National Park

Wildflower season is just beginning along the south boundary and lower elevations of Joshua Tree National Park. Currently there is a limited bloom that was initiated by winter rains and hopefully will be prolonged by more recent early spring rains. The most noticeable plant in bloom is the Bladderpod, a large yellow shrub that can be seen along the road in many areas. Down in the Pinto Basin, the Ocotillo Patch has a good display of red flowers and the end of the tall Ocotillo stalks. Along the road shoulder below Cottonwood there are some species just staring to bloom. The best way to see wildflowers at this time is to get out at the first sight of wildflower color and take a closer look. You may find as many as twenty different species in a given area.

Below is a list of wildflowers blooming in different locations in the Park.

Cuparosa, Justicia (Beleperone) californica
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Desert Rock Rea, Lotus rigida
Mustards, Brassica sp.
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea
Heron's Bill, Erodium cicutarium

South Boundary:
Chuparosa, Justicia (Beleperone) californica
Fagonia, Fagonia laevis
Heron's Bill, Erodium cicutarium
Ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens
Desert Lavender, Hyptis emoryi
Paperbag Bush, Salazaria mexicana
Parry's Dalea, Marina Parryi
Desert Tobacco, Nicotiana obtusifolia
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Fremont's Pincushion, Chaenactis fremontii
Barrel Cactus, Ferocactus cylindraceus
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Brittlebush, Encelia farinosa
Checker Fiddlneck, Amsinckia tessellata
Creosote bush, Laraea tridentata
Desert Dandelion, Malacothrix californica (glabrata)
Desert Fir/Pygmy Cedar, Peucephyllum schottii
Ground Cherry, Physalis rassifolia
Mustards, Brassica sp.
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea
Yellowheads, Trichoptilium incisum

North Entrance:
Heron's Bill, Erodium cicutarium
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea
Ground Cherry, Physalis rassifolia
Comb-burs, Pectocarya sp.

Pinto Basin:
Desert Lavender, Hyptis emoryi
Alyssum, Lepidium fremontii
Comb-burs, Pectocarya sp.
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Mustards, Brassica sp.

Indian Cove:
Alyssum, Lepidium fremontii
Forget-me-nots, Crypthanta sp.
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea

Wilson Canyon:
Comb-burs, Pectocarya, Sp.
Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea

Queen Valley:
Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia